Wildlife is part of the essence of Torres del Paine National Park
In Torres del Paine, you can find a variety of iconic regional species in their natural habitat. Remember to always respect their environment, and never feed them. This is their home, and they have everything they need to survive.
The Puma
Torres del Paine is home to one of the largest felines in Latin America: the puma. This emblematic animal stands as a symbol of the park's wildlife, yet its elusive nature means it's a rare sight, witnessed only by a handful of visitors each season.
The Guanaco
Unlike the puma, this mammal is one of the most commonly spotted wild animals both in and around Torres del Paine National Park. This camelid is known for its unique strategies when forming its herds, such as limiting the number of males allowed in each herd, and also giving roles to its herd members.
The Geoffroy’s Cat
When it comes to felines, these creatures are one of the great feline mysteries. The Geoffroy's Cat remains largely a mystery due to its elusive behavior within the park, making human contact with these felines exceedingly rare and limiting our understanding of them. Fortunately, some of their movements have been captured on park video cameras, allowing us to see glimpses of this elusive creature without interfering with its natural behavior.
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