Torres del Paine will Temporarily Close due to Snow on Routes - Sustainability

Torres del Paine will Temporarily Close due to Snow on Routes

CONAF issued an official resolution that decrees the National Park’s closure this Friday, with no date yet confirmed for its reopening.

Torres del Paine, July 21: Due to heavy snow falling on Torres del Paine National Park’s access points, increasing risky conditions on the Última Esperanza routes, the Agriculture Emergency Committee, chaired by the Regional Ministerial Secretary of Agriculture, Francisco Álvarez, has resolved to close tourism, a unit administered by CONAF (National Forestry Corporation).

This measure aims to prevent vehicle accidents on interior roads and trails, since the snow and ice present on the routes pose high-risk conditions. Likewise, the weather forecast for the next few days indicates there will be snow showers until Saturday, and minimum temperatures will reach -8° until at least Tuesday of next week.

According to authorities from the Ministry of Agriculture, it is not possible to confirm an exact date when the park will be reopened, since it will depend on how the routes and access roads’ weather conditions evolve over the next few days.

We remind visitors that information relevant to the park’s reopening and access roads’ states can be found on CONAF, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the municipality of Torres del Paine’s official social networks, as well as the National Forestry Corporation’s website:

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